Thoughts are far from harmless, in fact they significantly shape our actions, choices, and outcomes. Becoming aware of how our own self-limiting beliefs and thoughts impact our lives is the first step in overcoming them.
These beliefs usually come in the form an an inner dialogue like:
"I'm not smart enough."
"I don't deserve success."
"I'm too old/young to start something new."
"It would never work out, so why try?"
"Other people are already doing this, why would they choose me?"
These beliefs and inner thoughts act as mental roadblocks that keep us stuck. Here are a few ways they may be holding you back from your true potential:
Missed Opportunities: When we believe we are not good enough, we often pass on opportunities that could lead to the growth we really desire. We avoid taking these chances that challenge our comfort zone out of fear that we can't do it.
Low Self-Esteem: These thoughts often erode our self-confidence and create a negative self-image. Think about it, if you constantly tell yourself that you're not capable, you will not be able to see your unique strengths and talents that would propel you to striving toward your goals.
Procrastination and Inaction: The fear of failure is often the root cause of procrastination. We hesitate to take action, and over time, this inaction becomes a pattern that stems from our self-limiting belief.
Fear of Failure: If you believe that failing defines your worth, you probably aren't going to take risks or try new things.
Breaking free is very possible, yet it does require action and a mindset shift. Are you ready to jump start your mental and emotional road blocks?